Buy Australian Logo Terms of Use
CONTENT% ‘Content’ shall mean ONE (1) of the following:
(meaning things raised, grown, fished or obtained directly from either the Australian earth, water and or air) SCORE 100%. - FOR MIXED WHOLEFOODS AND PROCESSED FOODS:
A: The percentile score of the leading four (4) ingredients AND any other ingredient(s) as declared by the products ‘Label Name’ that are of Australian origin measured as a percentage of total weight.
B: Any water (whether of Australian origin or not) which is added to reconstitute an ingredient that is not of Australian origin is deemed to have the same origin as the foreign ingredient. - MANUFACTURED GOODS (NOT FOODS):
The percentile score of input materials that are of Australian origin (NOT MADE) measured as a percentage of total COST.
Content Calculations for Found Objects:
FOUND OBJECTS are items removed directly from the Australian environment for use either singularly or in conjunction with other items both Australian and or Foreign sourced. Usually no direct value can be prescribed to such items.
The calculation criteria for such items is as follows.
1: Where a Wholesale value Exc GST can be prescribed to each item prior to manufacture/assembly/completion.
The Australian content shall be the wholesale value of those items of Australian Origin expressed as a percentage of the total wholesale value of the items.
EXAMPLE: An Australian timber golf Club head finished for assembly is $50. Australian timber Golf Shaft ready to assemble $35.
And Foreign Leather and Linen for final application to shaft $15. Australian Content total Wholesale value $85. Expressed as a percentage of Total Whole sale value of $100 = 85%. Your score for Australian Content would be 85%.
Where no wholesale value can be calculated with any certainty THEN-
2: By Weight:
The total weight of Australian sourced -Found Objects- expressed as a percentage of the total weight forming the whole item.
EXAMPLE: A Golf Club head weighs, 500 Grams. The Shaft weighs 350 Grams and the foreign leather and linen weighs a total of 150 Grams.
Total weight of Australian Origin items 850 Grams expressed as percentage of total item weight of 1000 Grams = 85%. Your score for Australian Content would be 85%.
‘Owned’ shall mean the percentile score of Australian citizens who have a legal interest in the entity, be that an individual, partnership, firm, or company AND its parent company(s), if any, producing the goods listed with the ‘Buy Australian’ Logo®.
Where the entity is a company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). ‘Owned’ shall be the percentile score of ‘Australian citizens’ who hold a directorship in the company AND its parent company(s), if any.
‘Made’ shall mean the percentile score of the cost of producing or manufacturing the goods (as the case may be) that is attributable to production or manufacturing in Australia AND that the relevant goods satisfy the requirements of section 65AB of the Trades Practices Act 1974 (cth)(as amended), that is, a substantial change has taken place in Australia as to their form, appearance or nature that the goods existing after the change are new and different from those existing before the change.
‘Packed’ shall mean the percentile score of the physical packing of the goods that has taken place in Australia. (NOT the packaging materials themselves)
If in calculating your Buy Australia logo score you find that the percentage score is greater than a whole number you may use the ‘Safe Harbour’ position of indicating that the amount is > ‘greater than’ the actual whole number shown but not greater than the next whole number.
The quality of the goods is to be consistently controlled and maintained by procedures appropriate to the nature of the goods, and use of the trade mark on the goods is not to be in a manner which may mislead or deceive the Australian public or bring the trade mark into disrepute; and use of the trade mark on the goods is to be in a manner which enhances the standing of the owner and the Trade Mark.
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Indigenous Logo Terms of Use
Indigenous ‘Australian Logo’ calculation criteria as determined at the time of either creation, supply and/or manufacture.
In these Rules a reference to:
A) Indigenous Australian Logo ‘Content’ shall mean ONE (1) of the following:
- SINGULAR ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FOODS AND/OR GOODS – PROCURED DIRECTLY FROM THE AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONS: (meaning thing raised, grown, fished or obtained directly from either the Australian earth, water and/or air by a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent ) SCORE 100%
- FOR MIXED WHOLEFOODS AND PROCESSED FOODS: the percentile score of the leading four (4) ingredients AND any other ingredient (s) as declared by the products ‘Label Name’ that are of Australian Origin and were obtained directly from either the Australian earth, water and or air by a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent measured as a percentage of total Weight.
- MANUFACTURED GOODS (NOT FOODS): the percentile score of the ‘Number of Different’ input materials procured directly from the natural Australian environ by a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent that are of Australian Origin (NOT MADE) measured as a percentage of the ‘total number of different’ input materials.
EXAMPLE: Calculation for ‘Content’ of a boomerang / didgeridoo
Indigenous Only
- Native paint
- Timber collected locally
- 2/2 x 100 =100%
- Shop bought paint
- Timber collected locally
- 1/2 x 100 = 50%
- Overseas Paint
- Overseas Timber
- 0/2 x 100 = 0%
B) For the Indigenous Australian Logo the term “Owned” shall mean the percentile score of any person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who has a legal interest in the entity, be that an individual, partnership, firm, or company producing the goods listed with the Australian Logo Company.
Where the entity is a Company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) ‘Owned’ shall be the percentile score of ‘Indigenous persons’ who hold a directorship in the Company AND its parent company, if any.
In deciding whether an applicant is an Indigenous person, the Australian Logo Company may require an applicant to clarify or provide further evidence establishing that the applicant is a person of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, identifies as an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such in an Indigenous community in which the applicant lives, or comes from or with which the applicant identifies. The applicant may trace his/her descent from a different Indigenous community from the Indigenous community with which they identify or in which they are accepted as Indigenous.
C) Indigenous Australian Made shall mean the percentile score of the ‘number of major different’ manufacturing or manual processes of producing or creating the goods (as the case may be) that is attributable to production or manufacturing in Australia by a person of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent measured as a percentage of the ‘Total Number of Different’ manufacturing or manual processes of producing or creating the goods (as the case may be).
EXAMPLE: Calculation for ‘Made’ of a boomerang / didgeridoo
Indigenous Only
- Native paint made
- Timber collected locally
- Hand-painted
- Hand carved
- 4/4 x 100 =100%
- Shop-bought paint
- Timber bought
- Hand-painted
- Hand carved
- 2/4 x 100 = 50%
- Overseas Paint
- Overseas Timber
- Overseas Hand-painted
- Overseas carved
- 0/4 x 100 = 0%
D) Indigenous Australian ‘Packed’ shall mean the percentile score of the physical packing of the goods that has taken place in Australia. (NOT the packaging materials themselves)
E) If in calculating your ‘Indigenous Australian’ logo score you find that the percentage score is greater than a whole number you may use the ‘Safe Harbour’ position of indicating that the amount is > ‘greater than’ or < ‘less than’ the actual whole number shown.
F) Use of representations in association with the logo
No other representations in association with the Indigenous Australian logo are permitted.
The quality of the goods is to be consistently controlled and maintained by procedures appropriate to the nature of the goods, and use of the trade mark on the goods is not to be in a manner which may mislead or deceive the Australian public or bring the trade mark into disrepute; and use of the trade mark on the goods is to be in a manner which enhances the standing of the owner and the Trade Mark.
The best way to make a start is to call us for an informal chat. We’ll ask you some questions about your products and provide you with all of the tools needed to include the most appropriate mark on your product labels and marketing assets. If it’s now after hours, please use this form to request a callback and we’ll be in touch promptly.